Admission from the Pre-academic Centers

Only students from the Pre Academic Centers in the Technion and Ben Gurion University can be accepted to the Technion based on the grades from the Pre-Academic Center (in place of the matriculation certificate) and the psychometric grade, with the exception of acceptance to the Medicine. The subjects studied at the Pre-Academic Center are: Mathematics, Physics and English, each at a-levels of five units, and a course in Scientific Writing.

Calculating the Average of the Grades

The courses of study offered in the Pre-Academic Center receive a bonus equivalent to the bonus given to those subjects in the matriculation certificate. Similarly, the number of units of mathematics is doubled.
An exact calculation of the grade point average, can be doneĀ in our webĀ The Pre-academic Center in the Technion.

Types of Preparatory Courses and Pre Academic programs

Pre-Academic program

Period of study: March to January for those who wish to begin university study in the first semester (second semester based on available places).

Period of study: October to August for those who wish to begin academic study in the second semester (first semester based on available places).

Pre-Academic program for new immigrants

Period of study:Ā September to August for those who wish to begin academic study in the second semester (first semester based on available places).

Preparatory courses for placement (entrance) test in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry

Preparatory courses for placement test in the above subjects will take place in the Pre-Academic Center of the Technion a number of times each year. The dates of these test will be published in the registration site of the Technion as well as in the site of the Pre-Academic Center. Registration for these courses and for the examinations is carried out directly through the Pre-Academic Center site.

Pre-Technion courses in Physics and Mathematics for Students Accepted to the Technion

The purpose of these courses is to prepare the students for the basic courses of Mathematics and Physics, and to increase the chances of succeeding in these courses. It is recommended for applicants who have been accepted to the Technion several years after they have completed their high school studies. The dates of these courses will be publicized in the site of the Pre-Academic Center. Registration can also be carried out through the Pre-Academic Center site.

In order to register for study in the Pre-Academic Center, applicants must bring the matriculation certificate or listing of grades together with the psychometric score.

Contact Us

The Marcus New England Building, on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday between the hours 8:30 ā€“ 14:30 |ĀĀ |Ā 04-8294536 |