Admission of candidates with foreign matriculation tests that are not recognized by the Technion

These candidates must take the following tests:

  • The Israeli psychometric test or the SAT or the ACT.
  • Hebrew knowledge (Yael/Yaelnet tests)
  • English knowledge
  • Entrance Tests - Candidates with foreign matriculation tests that are not  recognized by the Technion, that have taken tests in Math, English and at least one test in a scientific subject  at the highest level given in their state,  have to take Placement tests (Entrance Tests) in Math and Physics at the Technion or the Israeli matriculation tests in Math and Physics in 5 units. The entrance tests are the same as the placement tests in terms of the material needed for these testes and their dates.
  • Pre-university studies - Candidates with foreign matriculation test that have not taken tests in Math, English and at least one test in a scientific subject at the highest level given in their state, must  study in the Pre-University Education Center.

Based on these grades the Dean of Undergraduate Studies will decide on the acceptance or rejection of candidates.

Registration to the Pre-University Education Center

Registration for all tests is through the website of the Pre-University Education Center. It is highly recommended to study in the Pre-University Education Center.  The center offers courses for those who need to prepare for the entrance tests and for the studies at the Technion. A year-long program offers intensive basic knowledge courses in Hebrew, Mathematics, Physics and English. A special program caters to new immigrants and newcomers to Israel.

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