Registration Dates

Kindly note:
The information currently displayed on the website might change from time to time, hence, the admission requirements and application options for Fall 2025 semester (Semester A) will be provided after 2.2.2025.

Registration Dates to the Technion
Spring Semester (March 2025)
Fall Semester (October 2025) for all Study Tracks except for Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Medical tracks
Landscape Architecture
Medical tracks

Applications for loans, grants, scholarships and dormitories are considered only after applicants are admitted to the Technion.

Spring Semester (March 2025)

Registration Dates for Spring Semester (2025)
Late registration Based on availability
Beginning of Application - registration will start at 10:003.11.2024
Late registration 1.2.2025 - Based on availability only
Last date for submitting grades and documents2.2.2025
Last valid date for the Yael/Yaelnet, Amir/Amiram and the PSYCOMETRIC testsDecember 2024
Last date for submitting grades and documents with academic background

Fall Semester (October 2025)

 *For all study tracks with the exception of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Medical tracks.

Inserted 06/01/2025
Beginning of Application2.2.2025
Registration will start at 10:00
End of Regular Registration30.5.2024
Late Registration1.6.2025 - Based on availability only.
Late Registration ends15.9.2025 - Based on availability only.
Last valid date for the Yael/Yaelnet, Amir/Amiram and the PSYCOMETRIC testsJuly 2025
Last date for submitting grades and documents with academic background30.8.2025