Refreshing Knowledge
Mathematics and Physics constitute an essential infrastructure for studies at the Technion. Therefore, it is recommended that all those who are accepted, including those with high level in mathematics and physics in their matriculation diploma, refresh their knowledge in those subjects, prior to their studies. Proper preparation will make and easier start and will ensure success in studies at the Technion.
Learn more about the material and refresh courses.
The Technion preparatory center offers pre-Technion courses in Mathematics to refresh the material. The courses are electronic.
You can repeat the material in physics on your own with the help of video courses that appear on the Technion channel on the You Tube website.
Course of study at the Technion
The curriculum is designed to provide an in-depth basic background in the basic sciences and a broad knowledge of engineering.
Studies at the Technion are conducted according to the accrual method. Each faculty determines its curriculum which includes a list of compulsory and elective subjects. Each subject learned, gives you a number of points. In order to complete the undergraduate studies, a number of points must be accumulated in accordance with the requirement of the chosen curriculum.
A three-year degree must accrue about 120 points for a four-year degree about 160 points.
In the first year, students usually take general Technion compulsory. Compulsory courses are in the basic sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Computers), in the life sciences (for those studying the life sciences) and in engineering subjects.
In the second year, students study compulsory subjects at the faculty. These compulsory subjects include laboratory courses.
In the third and fourth year choose their specialization. Each specialization group has mandatory subjects and a number of elective subjects required to complete it. The elective subjects are from a variety of dozens of subjects that cover all areas of activity in the faculty. The list of electives is long in each track, due to the extensive specializations of faculty members in each faculty. Typically, in the last two semesters, students specialize in the subjects of their choice and also work in the laboratories to gain practical experience in laboratory work and research. Each field of specialization is entrusted to a consultant whose role is to assist students in choosing the subjects in the specialization group.
Project courses are usually given in the last year. In projects, students apply the engineering knowledge they have acquired. Often the projects are carried out in collaboration with the industry.
The complete curriculum can be found here.