Knowledge of English

  • A grade of at least 104 in the English section of the psychometric test is required for all programs. For Medicine and the double degrees with medicine, a grade of at least 120 is required. Candidates for Medical Tracks with a grade lower than 600 cannot be accepted to Medical Tracks even if their SEKEM is suitable.
  • The English placement level is determined by the English part of the psychometric test, the Amir/Amiram test grade or the SAT English placement part ( in previous years it was called "reading" section) or the ACT grade.

SAT English placement will be according to the following conversion table.

English Classification

English classification
Grade in SAT
(Writing and reading sections)
Grade in ACT
(English section)
Grade in Psychometric testLevel
670 and more30 and more134-150Exemption
601-66927-29120-133Technical English
520-60022-26104-119Scientific English 2
519 and less21 and less103 and lessCan not be accepted to the Technion

The Amir/Amiram Test

Students may take the Amir/Amiram test in order to try to improve their Psychometric Test grade in English. It is possible to take the Amir/Amiram test more than once. The Technion accepts the highest grade, not necessarily the last grade, in this situation.

Students must have at least a Psychometric grade in English of 104 or a grade of 204 in the Amir/Amiram test, in order to register to the Technion. for medicine a grade of at least 120 is required or a grade of 220 in the Amir/Amiram test.

Visit Nite website for more information about the test.