Admission of Candidates with Foreign Matriculation Diplomas

Invitation to Faculty and Students

The Technion, Israel's leading technological university, is troubled by the growing prevalence of anti-Israel and antisemitic rhetoric on university campuses around the world.

We extend an invitation to all faculty and students who are facing these distressing circumstances to join us for study, teaching, and research at our Haifa campuses.

For more information please see the  The Senior Executive Vice President letter.

Pay attention!

Admission of Candidates with Israeli Matriculation Diplomas

Matriculation Diplomas
General Requirements
Matriculation Tests that are not recognized by the Technion
Matriculation diplomas that are recognized by the Technion
Calculation of the Sekem Grade
Pre-academic studies in the Technion

 General Requirements

All candidates must take the following tests:

Admission of Candidates with Foreign Matriculation Diplomas that are not Recognized by the Technion

Candidates with foreign matriculation diplomas that are not recognized by the Technion, and have taken tests in Math, English and at least one exam in a scientific subject at the highest level given in their state, can sends us a copy of their matriculation grades. We will cheek them and see if they can enter the Technion in another way. Candidates may have to study in the pre-academic unit in the Technion. You can email us your matriculation grades and we will let you know if you have to study at the pre-academic unit.

Based on these grades the Dean of Undergraduate Studies will decide on the acceptance or rejection of candidates.

Contact Us

Undergraduate Admission and Evaluation Section | Technion City, Haifa 3200003, Israel | Irit Michaeli | 972-73-378-5599 | 

Calculation of the Sekem grade

The Technion calculates a Sekem grade for each candidate without an academic record.

The Sekem grade is  the combination of the best matriculation average from abroad, recognized by the Technion, together with the multidisciplinary Israeli psychometric grade or the SAT/ACT.

The Sekem grade determines the status of an applicant in reference to other applicants registered for the same track.

You can calculate the Sekem in the calculator. In this calculator you can also calculate the Sekem for Architecture and Landscape architecture. To do this, choose in the calculator the study tracks: Architecture or Landscape Architecture.

There may be small differences in the calculation of the Sekem between the website and the calculation by the Technion. In any case, the calculation made by the Technion as it appears in the Technion documents will be determined.

On the site you will also find the exact formulas for calculating the Sekem in Hebrew.

Matriculation diplomas that are recognized by the Technion

Matriculation diplomas that are recognized by the Technion
AP Tests

AP Tests

Applicants can apply to the Technion on the basis of five AP tests with grades of 3 or more, where, in addition:

  • One AP test must be Calculus BC or AB with a grade of 4 or 5.
  • Two of the remaining four exams must be with a grade of 4 or 5 from the following list: Biology | Chemistry | Computer Science A | Physics C - Electricity and Magnetism+ Mechanicsׂ ׂ (All parts are compulsory. Physics 1 will not be included in the calculation of the average.)

The AP grades are considered for admission to the Technion. They do not grant Technion credits.

Conversion of AP Grades to Israeli matriculation (Bagrut) Grades

The AP grades are converted into Israeli Bagrut grades in the following manner:

 Grade Conversion
AP GradeIsraeli Grade
4 80

These grades are considered equivalent to the 5-unit level of the Israeli Bagrut.

Bonuses are given for the high level (equivalent to 5 Israeli units) in the following subjects: Mathematics (+30)  | Physics (+30) |  Chemistry (+30) |   Biology (+30)|   English (+20) | Computer Science A (+30).

Technion recognizes AP exams taken at the College Board only. To verify the result, it is required to send the official score report to the Technion directly through the College Board and notify us; for consultation it’s possible to send the unofficial score report.


OSSD - Ontario Secondary School Diploma (Canada)

Conditions for diploma approval

  • Includes grades in at least six tests, including: Mathematics |  English | Science-Physics, Chemistry or Biology |  Social Sciences or Humanities |  Second language (preferably Hebrew) |  Elective subject.
  •  All subjects are at a high level.
  • All grades are at least 70. Mathematics has to be 70 and above. (A diploma will be considered if it includes one grade lower than 70 but the average is higher than 70.)

Grade Equivalent: On a 1-100 scale, equivalent to the Israeli matriculation (Bagrut) grades.

Exam Weight: 3 or 5 Israeli Bagrut Units

Mathematics, English and Science are calculated as 5 Israeli Bagrut units. An average is calculated for the remaining grades with the weight of 8 Israeli Bagrut units.

Bonuses are given in the following subjects: Mathematics +30 | Physics +30 | Chemistry +30  Biology+20 | English +20 | Computer Science +20.

Average Calculation

Only subjects taken in the 12th grade are considered.

The grade is on the 1-100 scale as given. A bonus is given to relevant subjects. If mathematics appears more than once in the diploma, the average of all its appearances will be calculated. Each grade is multiplied by the number of its units (see the above explanation regarding the exam weight). The sum of the products is divided by the sum of the units. The result taken is the best possible average.

IB - International

Conditions for diploma approval

  • Includes grades in at least six tests, including: Mathematics| English | Science (Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry or Biology) |  History (or social sciences) | Second language ( Hebrew, the student's native language or another modern European language: German, French, Spanish) |  Elective subject.
  • At least three tests are at a high level. One of them must be Mathematics.
  • Mathematics has to be with a grade of at 5 at least.
  • All grades are at least 5 - A diploma might be considered if it includes one grade lower than 5 but the average is higher than 5.
 Grade Conversion
IB GradeIsraeli Grade
2 25
3 40
4 55
5 70
6 85

Exam Weight: 3 or 5 Israeli Bagrut Units

High level tests are equivalent to 5 Israeli Bagrut units. Subsidiary level exams are equivalent to 3 Israeli Bagrut units.

*Subsidiary level exams in Math are equivalent to 4 Israeli Bagrut units.



Bonuses are given to the high level (equivalent to 5 Israeli units) in the following subjects: Mathematics +30 |Physics +30 |  Chemistry+30 | Biology +20|  English +20 | Computer Science +20.

Average Calculation

Each subject gets the appropriate weight (high level=5 Israeli Bagrut units; subsidiary level=3 Israeli Bagrut units). If relevant, a bonus is added to subjects at the 5 unit level. In each subject the grade is multiplied by the number of units. The sum of the products is divided by the total number of units. The result taken is the best possible average.

BAC - French

Holders of a matriculation certificate in the new format that are interested in registering to the Technion, can contact Irit Michaeli  for preliminary consultation.

For exemptions from placements tests click here

You should send the following documents:

  • Photocopy of matriculation certificate
  • Psychometric grade
  • Yael grade - Hebrew knowledge
  • Two trucks that you want to sign up for

If you do not have a psychometric grade, you can send us only the matriculation certificate.

Conditions for new diploma (from 2021)

Conditions for diploma approval:

  • General diploma containing Mathematics and a recognized Science subject (Physics-Chemistry, SVT) under the extended subjects in the diploma (‘Epereuves Terminales’).
  • Diploma average - must be with a grade 10 and above.
  • Mathematics - must be with a grade 14 and above.
  • Certification of eligibility (Admis Mention Bien).

Pay attention!
Improvements of matriculation grades in the new format will be calculated within the old matriculation average.

Conditions for diploma approval (Old format)

  • Diploma from series S with grades in at least 6 tests, including: Mathematics  |Philosophy |Physics |History (or another social sciences subject) |French (as a first language) | Elective subject (in most cases an additional scientific subject).
  •  The diploma must include a second language (preferably Hebrew or English).
  •  Mathematics has to be with a grade of 14 at least.
  • Average higher than 10.
Grade Conversion
BAC GradeIsraeli Grade

Exam Weight: 3 or 5 Israeli Bagrut Units

Each subject's weight is determined by its "coefficient" (equivalent to Israeli Bagrut unit)


Bonuses are given in the following subjects, assuming they have a coefficient of 5 or more: Mathematics +30| Physics +30 |  Chemistry +30 |  Biology +20 | English +20 | Computer Science +20.

Average Calculation

Each subject gets a weight according to its "coefficient". If relevant, a bonus is added. Each grade is multiplied by its "coefficient". The grade in physical education is not included in the calculation. The sum of the products is divided by the sum of the "coefficients". The result taken is the best possible average.

GCSE - British

Conditions for diploma approval

  • Includes grades in five subjects, including: Mathematics l Science-Physics, Chemistry or Biology| English | Elective subject ׂfrom the social sciences or humanities or art
  • Three of the tests are A-level (Advanced Level) tests including Mathematics and a science subject.
  • Mathematics has to be with a grade of at least B in the old scale or 5 in the new scale.
  • All grades are at least B in the old scale, or 5 in the new scale . The average of all grades is at least 70.

The British Ministry of Education changed the score scale from letters to numbers. In the calculator for calculating the "Sekem", only numerical grades can be entered. Those who also have letters, need to convert them to numbers, according to the table, and then enter them in the calculator.

Old GCSE GradeIsraeli Grade
A 95
New GCSE GradeIsraeli Grade

Test Weight: 3 or 5 Israeli Bagrut Units

A-level tests are given the weight of 5 Israeli Bagrut units.

O-level tests are given the weight of 3 Israeli Bagrut units.


Bonuses are given only to A-level subjects (equivalent to 5 Israeli units): Mathematics+30| Physics +30 | Chemistry +30 | Biology+20 |  English +20 | Computer Science +20.

Average Calculation

Each subject gets the appropriate weight (A-level=5 Israeli Bagrut units; O-level=3 Israeli Bagrut units). If relevant, a bonus is added to subjects at the 5 unit level. For each subject, the grade is multiplied by the number of units. The sum of the products is divided by the sum of the units. The result taken is the best possible average.

Pre-academic studies in the Technion 

Candidates with all the above foreign matriculation diplomas, that are recognized by the Technion, but do not meet the demands of the Technion, have to study in the pre-academic unit.